Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentines Day Post

This idea about Technology and interpersonal relationships has been floating around in my mind for quite some time now. In fact, Valentines Day of 2003 was a major catalyst for this train of thought. I had spent New Year's Eve that year solo, as my then boyfriend had a video game playing party with his two male roommates on their new flat screen and whatever new game system had just come out. I was tentatively looking forward to Valentines Day, though we had never made a big deal about it. I went over to his house to exchange gifts and he had a box for me with some sweet hand drawn wrapping paper (see graphic to left). He handed it to me with a knowing smile and I was surprised by how heavy it was. I carefully preserved the paper and revealed my gift (drum roll….) an external hard drive for my computer. I wondered, is technology the end of romance?


Missy Weimer said...

OK. More then one person has asked me what I got for him that year. If memory serves, it was a shirt that said 'love is for losers', and Dirty Found. To be fair, I aim to point the finger, or at least a thoughtful gaze, at technology, and not linger on the idiosyncrasies of each individual instance.

JoAna said...

Romance isn't dead. It has merely evolved.